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Gospel Doctrine: Spiritually Reborn

The Sunday School lesson this week revolves around being born again. Christ references two necessary ways that we can be reborn – first through water, and then through the spirit. Of the two, I’d like to focus today on being spiritually reborn.

The physical ordinance of baptism can be as spiritual as we allow it to be. Conversely, it can be a simple, body-only ordinance if we do not bring the Spirit into it. Most converts, of course, choose baptism only after a spiritual conversion. This isn’t necessarily true of those born into the church. In many cases, testimonies are built only after the member has sought out spiritual confirmation of what has been taught throughout their life.

Either way, to enter the kingdom of Heaven requires a spiritual rebirth. That conversion will make itself evident in a variety of ways. Through the fifth chapter of Alma, the prophet asks questions such as “Have ye received (God’s) image in your countenances? Have ye experienced (a) mighty change in your hearts? Do ye exercise faith…? Do you look forward with an eye of faith…? Have ye experienced a change of heart? (Have ye) felt to sing the song of redeeming love…?” (verses 14, 15, and 26). All of these signify our spiritual rebirth.

When you are born of the spirit, you seek to follow Christ and emulate His ways. You strive to act as He would have you act, and to do the things He has asked of you. You make changes in your life, even if they are difficult. You invite the Holy Ghost into your life. In short, you actively live the gospel, not just passively accept it into your life.

But the best part of being spiritually reborn is the joy you feel. You realize the love that Christ has for you, and feel the full impact of His atoning gift. You then seek to share that joy with those around you, because you realize how empty your life was without that gift.

If you have not felt that everlasting joy in your life, I invite you to fast and pray until Heavenly Father confirms His love for you in your heart. Then you, too, will know the peace and love that comes with being children of Christ.

Related Articles:

General Conference from the Past: “Conversion and Commitment”

Doers of the Word

The Ordinance of Baptism