In many places, a change of seasons can bring a change in business opportunities. For example, here in Vermont, winter means snow and usually plenty of it. Of course I must add that as I say this, the remnants of the second snowstorm of the year are melting so fast that you can almost see it happening before your eyes. The snowman that I built with my son yesterday is now just a little lump. The first snow of the year was in late October, and while it made quite a mess of things south of here, less than an inch fell at our house.
Even though it is very warm today, I know that there are still a lot of days left between now and the arrival of spring in late March or early April. A popular seasonal business around here is snow removal. If you do not mind physical work and being outdoors in the cold, you could start a snow removal business in your area if you live where there is usually a fair amount of snow. If this interests you, find out the local rules and regulations regarding this type of business before you begin your business plan.
Snow removal businesses come in all shapes and sizes. Some are very small and offer shoveling services for your driveway and walkway as well as your roof. It is very important that if you have a roof that does not shed snow very well on its own (like a metal or standing seam roof) that you keep your roof clear in order to avoid leaks and other costly repairs. Of course, not everyone is physically able to get up on the roof and take care of the shoveling, so a shoveling service can be a very popular thing.
Other snow removal services offer plowing. It costs more to start one of these businesses because you need a plow truck and a plow, but for many people it is a great way to earn money and sometimes used plows and trucks can be gotten for a relatively low price. Once you have your truck and plow, tell your friends what you plan to charge for your services. Print up some business cards and leave them around town. When clients start to call, make sure to leave enough time in your schedule to get all of their driveways done in a timely manner.
Snow removal can be a very profitable seasonal business if the weather is right. It is a good idea to check the family finances to see whether the irregular income from such a business is appropriate for your situation before you begin. If you are considering starting a snow removal business, make sure that you plan for other things that you can do for work if there is not much snow for you to remove.
Photo by clconroy on