Unfortunately, obtaining information about single parent grants can be challenging. As the number of single parents continues to rise, the need for assistance, specifically in raising the children also increases. For many single parents, trying to go it alone on a single home income can be stressful, which is why the government has developed a number of grants to help.
The good news is that you can secure financial support by proving that you need it in the help of raising a child. Without a second income, offering a child all the good things of life is hard, which is why government grants do help. The goal of these grants is to provide assistance on reducing the effective of financial hardship, as well as reducing or eliminating stress that can cause significant turmoil.
Remember, government grants are available to the public with a serious focus on single parents. If you are interested in learning more about grants, you can obtain an application from your local City Hall. In most cases, the application is easy to complete but of course, if you need any assistance, the people at the City Hall would be happy to help.
Keep in mind that government grants are available to every single parent. However, some factors do come into play such as owning property, eligibilities, and qualifications. Therefore, while you might be a single parent, you may be faced with one reason or another for not being approved. Just remember, you will not know unless you try.
Take eligibility as a prime example. Most often, the single parent must be divorced or have a deceased spouse. In fact, some government grants provide assistance in the case of an injured, ill, handicapped, or disabled spouse. Other eligibility factors might include assistance if your spouse has abandoned your child for one year or more. Even imprisonment of a spouse could be grounds for receiving a government grant.
For some situations, a government grant would not be approved. For instance, if the child is currently under the care of foster parents or custody of a non-parental provider, financial assistance would not be given. Additionally, if the child is being raised by the grandparents or the single parent’s spouse, then obviously no funds would be dispersed.
The thing to remember is that you do have money available in many circumstances of being a single parent. Yes, there are requirements for being approved to receive these monies but rather than assume you would not qualify, you should complete and application and at least go through the process.
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