My husband’s parents drove from Nevada to Texas to spend time with us and see the girls. They arrived on Tuesday and came over to our house after settling in at the hotel. I had been telling Jessie and E that Grammy and Papa were coming to visit. Jessie was really excited. When Grammy and Papa rang the doorbell Jessie started yelling that she was scared and ran to hide in her room. She was such a silly girl. It did not take long for Jessie to stop being silly and want to be where Grammy and Papa were. E walked down the hallway to greet them.
Papa took Jessie out to see his truck. That’s a thing between them. Every time Papa’s truck was parked in the driveway, Jessie would look at it through her bedroom window and talk about Papa’s truck. When we’d go somewhere in our car, she’d ask about Papa’s truck.
Grammy and Papa would come over to the house every morning and they’d come bearing donuts. Baby E and Jessie fought over the donut holes. Papa would run errands, hang out at the house, or spend time with Daddy while Grammy, the girls, and I spent our days together. Grammy, the girls, and I did a lot of shopping and ate out at a lot of good restaurants.
We had so much fun spending time together eating at home and watching TV. We also had a lot of great dinners out. Jessie wanted to sit between Grammy and Papa. She shared whatever Grammy and Papa were eating too.
Grammy, the girls, and I met Papa and Daddy at Saltgrass Steakhouse on Sunday night. It was our last dinner together. Grammy had a hard time saying goodbye and so did we. Jessie is still talking about it.