If you order replacement checks from certain companies, you may get a lot of junk mail afterward from their affiliates. Some of that junk mail might just come in handy. Before you decide I’ve lost it completely, read on and see what I mean.
Have you ever received greeting card offers that come with free samples? Don’t throw them away. They work great in various craft projects, but they also come in handy in a pinch. If you need a last minute card for a special occasion, or you receive a Christmas card from an old friend after already sending out your cards, you can use these sample cards. Some are blank, while others have messages inside, but you can always add your own note to make it more personal.
If you happen to receive greeting cards that say “free sample” you might be able to make them into postcards. The ones that open from bottom to top instead of side to side can easily be made into postcards by removing the front cover (if there is no writing inside). The cover will have a nice image, and on the back of it you can simply write the recipient’s address and your message. Postcards also cost less to send that cards and envelopes.
You can also pick up cheap postcards, especially if you live near a tourist area, and send holiday or birthday greetings to your friends and family members this way instead of sending traditional cards or letters. They will probably know who the postcard is from before they even read the back, since it represents your area. This is also a great way to keep in touch with old friends, quickly and inexpensively. Just drop them postcards from time to time to let them know you are thinking about them.