A couple of weeks ago, I had the odd experience of going downtown on the bus by myself on a Friday night. Let’s just say that I am not usually a Friday night partygoer, at least not any more. However, I wasn’t going to a party, just a meeting.
On the way, I looked out the bus windows. As we got closer to our destination, I saw a flash of gold coming toward the side of the bus. It moved closer, and a woman dressed in gold with six-foot tall gold fairy wings attached to her bike pedaled past us, signaled, and turned the corner in front of the bus. She continued up the hill, and the bus continued. After a moment, the bus driver came onto the intercom, asking us all “What in the world was that?”
I got off the bus, and looked for the woman. There she was, pedaling up the hill in the distance, gold wings flapping in the sun. I went to my meeting.
I do not necessarily want my child to become a golden fairy. However, moments like these make me think about the unique and interesting person who lives in each of us. My mother likes to say that my current eccentricities are due to me becoming more me over time. I like to think so too.
It took a long while for me to become secure in being me. I was a very shy child who tried to hide in school, while doing well on the tests. Introverts all have that golden fairy inside them too, but it takes a little longer to come out and play. For me, it took until I could freely choose my social group and my interests and could explore both of them to the fullest.
By home schooling, I hope that we’ll encourage that little fairy in our daughter to come out and play. She is comfortable and secure in herself in our home, and she is free to explore whatever interests she likes. As her true self emerges more and more, I want her to feel free to explore it.