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Growing Your Facebook Fan Page Series, Part 1

Once you create a Facebook fan page for your business the next step is promoting it. It goes without saying that you want a large fan base. You will reach more potential customers through Facebook than through email subscriptions, websites and blogs. With one in 12 people in the world having a Facebook account and many of those who check it daily your exposure has quite a bit of potential. Facebook is free to operate save ads and free for customers which is also in your corner. The set up is right there for you all you have to do is grow your fan base. Growing a page is not difficult but it can take time. Social media is a fast moving game and if you disappear for a day or two you are pretty much missing in action. Commit to growing your page as it will grow your business.

Frequent Status Updates

You cannot allow your page to go stale. In the social media world a page that sits on the counter for more than a day is already spoiled. Update your status at least once a day. If you are hard pressed for something to say then use a quote or give a tip for the day.

Make your Status Updates Engaging and Useful

Turn the tables and think about the status updates you comment on or “like”. With all the status updates you see a day what provokes you to take the time to comment? Most likely it was something relevant to your life or useful to you in some way. Most pass by comments about going to the grocery store to buy milk or being surprised by the price of processed cheese. While some updates may have mild interest you need to write irresistible updates. Give your readers a tip for the day, offer encouragement or advice related to the customers you serve, or ask questions. Do not ask long extensive questions. You also need not go into the realm of controversial questions. You can provoke fun comments through asking them to “name your location and the price of gas today”. People love to talk about themselves, be encouraged and obtain useful information or advice.

Building a Facebook Fan Page Series, Part 1

Building a Facebook Fan Page Series, Part 2

Facebook Landing Page

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.