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Habits that Keep the Fat On

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Recently, I was searching out common habits that keep the pounds on. Dieting can be an uphill battle and every little tip can help. I am a firm believer that half the battle is mindset and bad habits. Weight loss is simply a mathematical equation of burning more calories then you consume. So what makes it more complicated? We do. We need to be more aware of our habits that can keep us from losing weight.

Here are common habits that can keep the fat stubbornly in place:

Not getting enough sleep

Not drinking enough water

Not being prepared

Drinking your calories

Skipping Breakfast

Are you guilty of any of these habits? I am guilty of all of them. Really.

I always get to bed late due to kids, work, and homeschooling. I have a jam packed day and my poor time management skills prevent me from going to sleep on time.

I used to be diligent about drinking the proper amount of water. I have not been that diligent in a long time. I may not even get half of the water I should have.

I am often unprepared so when I get hungry I have few options. I also forget to plan for working out.

I do not drink a lot of juice or soda. However, I do drink coffee with creamer and iced tea. Coffee and creamer alone can blow your day in fat and calories.

I hate breakfast. I hardly ever eat it unless I am trying to lose weight. There are times even then that I try to skip it and make up for the calories later.

So, what are your excuses. My goal is to kick the bad habits and and make healthy choices my new habits. I will start tomorrow morning with breakfast. I even planned my breakfast. So, that is two habits turned around. I know once I kick these habits and workout on a regular basis, I will begin to see progress.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.