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Halloween for Baby

Sarah Conway

Our son is not yet 3 months old. He doesn’t eat candy. We’re not especially fond of taking him into public places to meet strangers with H1N1 going around. We’re also not at “home.” All of this has made the decision to not trick-or-treat much easier. However, there is a part of me that is regretting not dressing our son up like something for his first ever theatrical opportunity.

My love of “pretend” is somewhat being squashed by circumstances beyond my control. A lengthy trip tomorrow (at least a whole day of driving) followed by scrambled organization for returning to being a student, teacher, and employee on Monday has led me to easily allow this opportunity to dress my son up to pass.

Should the opportunity pass, though? What is the trade off? What do I gain by not seeking out a costume for my son and taking him around collecting candy for being cute? Well, I’ll not lose money on something that will fit him for perhaps a month but he’ll only wear a day. He’ll gain valuable time with family members we didn’t think he’d be able to meet prior to Christmas. His parents will be able to get some much needed work done to ease the tension during the long ride home. The return to Texas will, overall, be less stressful. These benefits are mighty enticing. Are there any other negatives?

I really enjoy looking at pictures of myself as a child. Even though I don’t remember a lot of the events, especially those that occurred when I was a baby, the images themselves give me a look into a past I don’t remember. However, I look at that past fondly. There are suggestions in my smiling face of the person I would become and often hints in the photograph as to why I would become that person. I want Cillian to have images like that to remind him of times he doesn’t remember but inevitably relate to who he will become.

At this point sleep, a safe trip, and family seems more important than a costume and pictorial evidence of a non-remembered event. Time will tell, though. If my son does end up in a costume those photos will end up here. How do you feel about Halloween and babies?