Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Goblin who?
Goblin too much candy can give you a tummy ache.
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Zombie who?
Zombie afraid, it’s just a costume.
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Tomb who?
Tomb many hilarious Halloween jokes to miss out on!
“Thank you. I’ll be here all week.”
Or so says my 7-year-old, who has finally learned how to tell a knock-knock joke so it works.
The milestones keep coming.
No more:
Her: Knock, knock!
Me: Who’s there?
Her: Telephone!
Me: Telephone who?
Her: Telephone… um… telephone in the closet. I’ll get it!
Thanks to Halloween Howlers: Frightfully Funny Knock-Knock Jokes, Jerry
Seinfeld’s got nothing on my kid.
The 16-page holiday-inspired paperback by Michael Teitelbaum features dozens of hilarious Halloween knock-knock jokes perfect for your stand-up comedian-in-training.
The bewitching book will not only tickle your child’s funny bone, it’ll also encourage her to sound out challenging words, so she can get to the ghoulishly good punch lines.
What’s more, the book’s vibrantly colored pages and interactive flaps will have your youngster flipping for zingers like:
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Howdy who?
Howdy like all these treats?
That smile-invoking set-up is featured early in the book along with:
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Witch who?
Witch costume will you wear this Halloween?
Teitelbaum’s Halloween Howlers may be dominated with delightfully spooky knock-knock jokes, but the book also features a funny narrative, which follows a young boy and girl as they costume-up and creep along to various Halloween haunts, from frightening forests to diabolical dwellings.
The book ends with the main characters returning to their own home where they dump out their sugar-coated loot and lament:
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Boo who?
Don’t cry. Halloween will come again next year.
Halloween Howlers’ cauldron of chilling cackles can be found on HarperCollins’ website, as well as in book stores and discount retailers nationwide.
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