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Halloween Relays for Parties

halloween party2

Here are two fun relay races for Halloween parties. I’ve played both of these with many classes of elementary school children. They’d be fun for a family, too.

Slime Relay is definitely an outdoor game. The slime is made of cornstarch, water, and a few drops of food green color. I would love to tint the slime a dark nasty green, but I don’t want to stain anyone’s clothes, either. To make the slime combine one cup of cornstarch to one half cup of water, and add a few drops of food color. The cornstarch slime should feel solid when you pick it up, but quickly start to ooze out your fingers. It’s very cool. If it’s too runny, add a little more cornstarch. If too solid, add a little more water.

In this relay I have two buckets of slime at one end. On the other end are two clear plastic containers. The idea is for the kids to scoop up the slime, run with it, and empty what they have left into the containers at the other end. They then run back to the beginning and tag the next in line. I let the kids have two or three turns apiece then see which group has the most slime in their bucket. As messy as this game seems, this slime quickly turns to a powder that can be brushed off clothes, rubbed off hands, and swept off sidewalks. And kids love it because it seems so messy and outrageous.

Here in Colorado we never know for sure what weather to expect. For an inside relay, I plan a twist on the Egg and Spoon Race. We use candy corn on spoons instead of eggs. Again I position two containers of candy corn at one end and two clear containers at the other. In this game you want a wide flat container for the candy corn or the kids can’t really scoop it onto their spoons. The kids walk or run with their candy corn to the end of the line. Their first instinct is always to load their spoons with the candy, but that just makes more fall off.

Have fun with your relay races, inside or outside.

Photo Credit: justmeandyoukid.com

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