All of the work we do at The Center for Counseling and Health Resources is based on a whole-person approach to treatment and recovery from anxiety and depression. This includes attention paid to the physical, mental, emotional and relational aspects of self, as well as the spiritual side, as referenced in the following excerpt from my book Overcoming Anxiety, Worry and Fear: Practical Ways to Find Peace.
Anxieties have a way of lying to us about what is valuable and what is not. If you find you’re confused and need some guidance breaking out of anxiety’s black-and-white-world, if you find you’re having difficulty letting go out of fear, allow me to recommend an excellent book.
A long time ago a man delved into a black-and-white world where every action was urgent and critical, where every undertaking was monumental, with monumental ramifications and monumental consequences. It was a world where every single thing was so important that it turned out nothing was. The man declared it all “meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” His name was Solomon, and he wrote a collection of truths based on his experience called the book of Proverbs. Living a life based on the world he called folly. Living a life based on God he called wisdom. Solomon found that most of the things people strive for are meaningless and don’t deliver as promised. He found that people often fear the wrong things and fail to fear the right things. As you seek to understand what is real and what is not, what is truth and what is not, what is valuable and what is not, Proverbs is a worthwhile read.
That brings up another point. How much time do you devote each month to God? How much do your activities reflect a devotion to him, and how much do they reflect a devotion to your anxieties? Scripture says that God’s name is Jealous (Exod. 34:14). If you have placed your anxieties, like an idol, before God, it is his will that you return completely to him. He desires you to trust him, to rely on him to provide you with security and peace, with safety and refuge. Anxieties are negative drainers; God is an abundant provider. Work to lay your anxieties down, one by one, before God. Then fill the time and redirect the energy you used in worry and fear by drawing closer to God. Allow his might and his presence to crowd out your fears and doubts.
I confess, Father, that I have been living a meaningless life, concerned and worried about all the wrong things. I confess I have relied on my fears and worries to direct my steps and my thoughts instead of turning to you. They have become so much a part of who I am. I need help to separate myself from them. Help me to see and understand why I do the things I do. Give me courage to listen to your voice and make changes. Help me to simplify my life so that I can devote myself to the things that really matter. I want to live a meaningful life for you. Show me what a meaningful life is and then help me change my life to reflect it.