Happy Anniversary, Bloggers! I’m not entirely certain which day each blogger began, but those of us who have been with Families.com since the inception of the blogs, started one year ago this month.
I found out about the opportunity on another site where I also write. I found the information the very last day applications were being accepted. I hurriedly typed an application, afraid I wouldn’t get it in on time. I was thrilled to learn that I had been hired, and I’ve enjoyed working here ever since.
My very first article for this site was in the Home Blog, and it was posted one year ago tomorrow. I can hardly believe an entire year has gone by! I’ve also worked in Frugal Living, and currently write in Home, Kids’ Crafts, and Marriage.
It’s been a lot of fun writing, getting to know other members and bloggers, and being a part of this community. Since the blogs were launched, many wonderful new bloggers have joined us as well. We have some very talented and wonderful people. We also have some brand new bloggers. A warm welcome to each of you!
It’s exciting to be a part of this growing community, which has come a long way in just a short time. I am thankful to those in charge for the opportunity, for sharing their lives and families with us, to Lisa for all her hard work and encouragement, and to all the people I work with. I am also grateful to the members and readers. Thank you for your ratings, your feedback and questions, and for simply reading what is written. I always look forward to hearing from you.
It’s been an awesome year, and I can’t wait to start the next one.
The following is the list of Senior Bloggers who have been here since the beginning:
- Anna Glendenning
- Janet McMonagle
- Heather Long
- Libby Pelham
- Marily Smith
- Sherry Holetzky
- Beth McHugh
- Renee Dietz
- Teresa McEntire
- Aimee Amodio
- Marjorie Dorfman
- Pattie Hughes
- Lisa Andrews
- Kristyn Crow
Happy Anniversary!