I was 12 years old when I got my first brand-new bike. Prior to that I rode hand-me-downs from my older brothers. By the time the two-wheelers got to me they were dinged, chipped and… blue.
What self-respecting girly-girl wants to be seen riding around the neighborhood on a midnight-blue bike with half-torn orange lightning bolts across the frame?
It took me nearly a year to save up for the bike of my dreams: A red and white Huffy with iridescent scrolling on the handlebars.
It was a beaut!
I rode that bike every day in the hot, Hawaiian sun. At night I parked it next to my brother’s blue and yellow Mongoose in the back corner of our garage.
Then one gray day it happened.
I woke up early to help my brother on his morning paper route, but when I went to retrieve my pride and joy, it was gone.
Someone broke into the side door of our garage and stole my gorgeous vehicle.
I cried for days.
Those horrible memories resurfaced the other day when I read the story of Culley Larson.
Last week, the 10-year-old boy from Minnesota made international headlines when he wrote a letter to his local newspaper urging anyone and everyone to keep an eye out for his stolen bike. His letter titled, “Please Return My Stolen Dirt Bike” was featured on ABC News, London’s Daily Mail and a slew of other media outlets.
Culley’s touching note included this section that nearly brought me to tears:
“I am willing to use some of my own money that I have saved as a reward to get my bike back. I know other kids get their bikes stolen. I have read it myself in the newspaper. I am hoping my letter will not only help me, but maybe help other kids also get their bikes back. I hope 10 other kids also get their bikes back. If they do we can have a celebration and call it “get your bike back day.” It would be the best day ever!”
Sadly, despite (or because of) all the media coverage surrounding the stolen bike, no one has come forward to return Culley wheels.
Fortunately, though, the story has a happening ending. Unlike in my case (and millions of others), mega-mogul Donald Trump has come to Culley’s rescue. Today, the Donald appeared with Culley on FOX’s “Fox and Friends” and announced plans to buy the kid a new bike.
But, not just any bike. The best bike EVAH!
“Get him a beauty,” Trump said. ”Pick a bigger bike.”
In addition to Trump’s hand out, Culley received offers for 10 additional replacement bikes, which he says he plans on giving away to other children whose bikes have been stolen. The tween is calling his good deed, the “Ten Bikes for Ten Kids” plan.
Who says life is void of happy endings?
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