With all of the expenses of raising a family, parents are often searching for ways to save money wherever they can. One area of the family budget where spending can often be reduced quite a bit is entertainment. Parents often believe that they need to spend more money to keep their children entertained and occupied than they actually do. Children are naturally curious, and often parents are pleasantly surprised by how simple things can capture their imaginations and hold their attention for hours.
My favorite example of low or no cost family fun is a trip to the playground. Depending upon how you go about it, it may cost a little money because you may have to drive there if there is not a playground that you can walk to. Also, if you choose to buy snacks or lunch on the way there instead of bringing them from home that may cost a little bit too. Kids love to play, and it seems like no matter how often they visit the same playground most kids will always run right to the play equipment as excitedly as they did the first time. The fact that there are usually a variety of other parents and children there keeps things interesting because children enjoy meeting other people and making new friends that they can play with.
Another simple thing that kids love is going for a walk or a hike. The beauty of this is that you can do it anywhere, and even if you walk through the same place every day your little explorer or explorers will more than likely find something new to marvel at every time. Walking or hiking in a place that you have not been to before is even more exciting, and it is fun to just slow down and watch your child or children as they experience that place for the first time.
Other simple and free or inexpensive things that kids love are making “art” out of just about anything that you have around, playing dress up in your old clothes, and playing with a sink full of soapy water indoors or blowing bubbles outdoors just to name a few. Encouraging kids to use a few simple items to play with challenges them to use their imagination. Imagination is like a muscle in that it gets stronger the more often it gets used. Kids who are given plenty of opportunity to use their imaginations and play in their own creative way are less likely to get bored. In other words, parents, don’t be afraid to take a less is more approach to the family entertainment budget especially if you have young children. You may be pleasantly surprised by what you (and your kids) discover.