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Happy New Year Single Parents

The holiday season is filled with good smells from the kitchen, the sound of children laughing and playing, getting good friends and family together for a visit, and reflecting on the past year. I don’t particularly believe in the New Year resolution because I don’t believe we should just pick one time per year to set goals for ourselves. I do however believe that if the New Year is what one chooses as a turning point in their life and a catapult for the changes one would like to make, go for it!

My new years resolution would be to complete my Masters degree in two thousand seven leading to my licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist, to loose about fifteen pounds through a sensible diet and more frequent exercise, not to stress so much over having the perfect work, life, home, family balance but rather to just do the best I can, and to be a better friend to my girlfriends who it has been difficult to stay in contact with due to my hectic schedule.

Single parents need to have goals to reach for as well. Being a single parent presents different challenges. For instance if you are a single parent and you decide you want to loose fifteen pounds it is not easy to find the time for exercise. Going to the gym after work may just not be an option. It will force you to get more creative with your physical fitness and diet plan. Going to school may be something you have always wanted to do but can’t carve out the time to be away from the kids. Check in to online schooling. It is something you can do in the privacy of your own home and you won’t have to worry about babysitters.

Setting goals keeps us on track and allows us to reach for our dreams. Set realistic goals and keep them on the forefront of your mind at all times and you will achieve them. Happy New Year! Cheers to a great 2007!