Happy Thanksgiving! I hope all of you are having a wonderful time this holiday with your friends and family. Today is a challenging day for dieters but you can keep on track and still enjoy a holiday known mostly for stuffing the stuffing in your face. Focus on an attitude of gratitude and not the pumpkin pie on the table. Be thankful for having to say “no” to food instead of starving. Here are some last minute tips, reminders and things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
1. Do not arrive at your place of destination hungry. Have a snack or breakfast before going to your family’s house. This will keep you from overindulging on the Thanksgiving fare.
2. Bring a small notebook to keep a food journal. I know you would rather not be bothered with such a task today but it will keep you on track. It is so easy to have one too many egg nogs or pieces of apple pie when you are chatting with friends and family.
3. Find the veggie tray and fill your plate. Let’s face it; you hardly notice what you are munching on while catching up with family so why not munch on something low in fat and good for you.
4. Don’t deny yourself a slice of pumpkin pie or whatever else you may enjoy this time of year. You can eat what you want just eat in the proper portions.
5. Don’t feel the pressure to lose weight right now just focus on not packing on another ten pounds. You want to maintain your weight. If you can do that you had a successful holiday season.
Things to be thankful for:
1. Thanksgiving fare you must turn down instead of wishing you had food this year.
2. That you are not defined by your weight but who you are on the inside.
3. That you can have a day that you are not focused on your weight but reminded to be wise and healthy.