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Have A Healthy Picnic

I love picnics. The fresh air, the sunshine… but you have to be really careful with your food. And I don’t just mean protecting your meal from scavenging ants and dive-bombing birds. I mean temperature and bacteria. According to the American Dietetic Association, the amount of bacteria in food kept between 60 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit can double within an hour.

So how do you keep your picnic feast safe? Try these healthy tips.

  • Store your food at temperatures of forty degrees or less.
  • Don’t have a ton of extra space in your cooler? Frozen water bottles serve double duty as future drinks and current coolant. You can also chop and freeze fruit in little baggies.
  • Keep an eye on the time. Foods can sit out for up to two hours… but after that, they need to be stored or tossed. The timer starts when food leaves the grill or the cooler!
  • Speaking of the grill… make sure you cook your burgers and other meat well. Bring a meat thermometer along and make sure the internal temperature of the meat reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit. For chicken, juices should run clear, not pink.
  • Don’t char your meat. Wait for the flames to die down and cook your meat over glowing coals instead. Charred meats contain carcinogens that you really don’t want to eat. Trust me.
  • Put your leftovers in long, shallow containers — with the food spread out, it will chill faster.
  • Wash up before and after eating. Bring baby wipes or alcohol wipes to keep clean. You can always tuck them into the cooler (in a plastic baggie) for a soothing and cool rub down.
  • Take out what you bring in. Don’t leave food and garbage behind — it attracts insects and animals that will make the spot unpleasant for the next picnickers. You wouldn’t leave garbage all over your yard, would you? So don’t leave it at the park or pool, either.