There are many occasions upon which families can host exchanges or “swaps.” During the holidays many people do cookie exchanges and often times, prom is a great opportunity to trade existing items such as gowns and accessories for “new to you” items.
Back to school time is another favorite, when gently used jackets, coats, backpacks, clothing and sporting gear can be traded. But, summer is a great time to swap stuff too, from summer clothing to beach and backyard toys or camping gear.
While many swaps or exchanges are hosted indoors, a summer swap is a great opportunity for an outdoor party or picnic. Some people have a yard sale first or shop yard sales too, but an exchange is a great alternative as well as a way to have some fun at the same time. Throw some burgers on the grill, invite some friends, get rid of stuff you don’t need, and get some new stuff you can use.
Make sure all guests are aware that only gently used items, or those in good, clean condition, should be entered into the exchange. Ask everyone to hold onto their bags or boxes so they can use them again to transport their new acquisitions back home.
You may even want to make it a potluck and have everyone bring a dish as well as bringing the items they hope to trade. You can determine if you’d like to include other home items as well, such as DVDs, CDs, home accessories, etc. instead of just clothing and outdoor gear.
Can you think of something you’d love to get rid of or something you’d love to have? Consider hosting an exchange and see how it works out. If you do decide to host a summer swap, we’d love to hear about your newly found items.