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Have You Lost Your Spark?

Sometimes, you might wonder where along the way the sizzle with which you started out as a home – based professional began to fizzle. It is only natural for our passion and energy for our work to ebb and flow right along with other things that are happening in our lives. However, in order to have a successful home – based business, it is important that we keep our passion and energy as high as we can as much of the time as we can so that we consistently generate top quality work.

That is a tall order, especially since many of us are essentially a business of one, responsible for everything from producing the work to addressing customer service, handling the finances, and all of the other tasks involved in running the business. Fortunately, there are a few things that we can do to increase our chances of sustaining a consistently high level of passion and energy for our work.

I’ll start with the one that no one wants to hear about, sleep. We are all so busy that no one really wants to hear about how getting plenty of rest every night will ensure our productivity. Further, many of us would rather not acknowledge the potential effects of chronically undersleeping – reduced productivity and increased susceptibility to illness in addition to reduced creativity. As much as we often think that it is better to sleep fewer hours and work more hours, it may be beneficial for us to see whether getting enough rest will improve our productivity in addition to boosting our health and letting our creativity flow more freely.

Other things that we can do to keep our passion and energy levels up include exercising and eating right, cultivating a positive attitude and surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive people, and taking time to remind ourselves of our big picture goals, the reasons why we do what we do.

Photo by danielito on morguefile.com.