Whether you already use Ancestry.com for your genealogy research or you have yet to check out the very popular genealogy website, there is something new from Ancestry.com that may interest you. Ancestry.com sends out a monthly email newsletter to people who visit the site to subscribe to it. It is free, and it looks like a great way to get a bunch of good genealogy information delivered right to your inbox.
Many genealogists like to keep themselves educated about all things genealogy, reading newsletters and magazines alongside doing their research. This can be beneficial in a number of ways. Research is fascinating, but sometimes it gets frustrating or you can get burnt out from working too hard at it too often. Taking a break from research to listen to a genealogy podcast or read an email newsletter gives you a chance to learn more about your favorite hobby. Sometimes, you may even get that feeling that the newsletter or blog post that you are reading was written just for you because it helps you find a clue to something that you had been trying to work through in your research.
This month’s Ancestry.com Monthly Update has a fun and interesting article about how Paul Revere has two birthdays. There is also a regular feature called “Ask Ancestry Anne”, where a genealogy expert answers a question from a reader. Advice columns like “Ask Ancestry Anne” are great because there is a chance that the question that is being answered is one that you have now or may have in the future. Other great things that you can find in this month’s newsletter are featured record collections and a link where you can download a free research guide for tracing your Early American roots.
While I do subscribe to the Ancestry.com newsletter, I must disclose that I have not received anything of value from Ancestry.com or anyone else in exchange for mentioning the newsletter here. My opinion on its usefulness is mine alone.
Photo by cohdra on morguefile.com.