When the day comes that you decide to cut calories, lower your fat intake, and start a new healthy lifestyle, you will inevitably give up on some of your favorite desserts. While, I believe that you can eat anything if you take moderation in consideration, it is nice to know you can have your cake and eat it without guilt or giving up breakfast that morning.
Have you heard of the Diet Soda Cake? This is simple to make and fits into any diet plan. This recipe first grew famous on Weight Watchers for adding up to a mere 3.5 points. If you are not on Weight Watchers, that adds up to around 160 calories minus toppings.
Diet Soda Cake
1 Cake Mix (flavor of choice)
1 Can or 10oz. of Diet Soda (flavor of choice)
1. Mix well.
2. Pour batter into prepared 9×13 pan.
3. Bake according to package directions or until toothpick comes out clean.
4. You may top your cake with fat free whip cream and/or fruit. You may also dust with powdered sugar but keep in mind that will add simple sugar and calories to your dessert.
Now you can have your cake and eat it too! Try different combinations of cake mix flavors and diet soda. Some fun combinations are: French Vanilla cake mix with Diet Sprite, Chocolate Fudge cake mix with Diet Coke, Devil’s Food cake mix with Diet Cherry Coke, or Yellow cake mix with diet orange soda.
Remember that portion control is still required with diet foods. Diet foods have fewer calories but the desserts still contain sugars and carbohydrates that will affect your blood sugar levels if you eat too much. Low-cal and low-fat cakes are not an invitation to eat the entire cake or even a larger amount. However, these recipes can help you stay on track by satisfying your sweet tooth while not compromising your diet.
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