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Having a Heart for Homeschooling

What is the heart of homeschooling in your family? Is it about academics, life, religion, beliefs, or conviction? Perhaps it is a combination. We need to establish in our minds and hearts what homeschooling means as a family to instill valuable life lessons in our children.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” ~ 2 Timothy 2:15

As parents, we are wisely concerned with the quality of our children’s education. Yet, we need to remember that the most important thing in a child’s life is not a good education. Without a foundation in Christ the education a child receives will not fulfill the purpose of his life. The purpose is to live a life that serves Christ. The most important teaching we offer our children is salvation through Jesus Christ. We were given charge over God’s beloveds so that one day they would be added to the kingdom. We are raising royalty in the making which requires more training then academics.

The choice of how to educate your child should be done prayerfully. The best choice for your child is the God directed choice. Homeschooling is the educational choice for our family. It may not be your choice. Regardless, it is important to maintain the role of of character and habit training tutor that will benefit your children. Your child’s education is in your hands regardless of how or where your child is schooled. The role of the parent is still the most influential on a child’s life. Knowing this to be true, I feel confident as my family has made the decision to send my oldest daughter to high school. It is ultimately the parental responsibility to cultivate a love for Christ, for those around him, and for learning. You need to be fully equipped to grow hearts and minds for God’s glory.