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He Knows My Name

The story is told of shepherds who eat, sleep and live with their sheep, who know each lamb so well, they can tell them apart under any circumstances. The sheep know their master’s voice and come when he calls, and there is no need to coerce them to get them to follow their shepherd – they follow because they love him. This symbolism is used for Jesus Christ, our Savior.

He knows each of us individually, separately. He knows my name and your name. He knows our fears, hopes, dreams, favorite colors, and all the things that make us tick. He watches over us just as the shepherd does his sheep, noticing when we are tired, when we can’t move forward, and at those moments, He picks us up and slings us around His shoulders, taking the burden from us. He never leaves our sides.

But like the sheep in the meadows, we must learn to recognize our Master’s voice. We must come to understand the difference between our own desires and the promptings of the Holy Ghost. We need to spend enough time in His presence so that when He calls, His voice is familiar and we don’t mistake it for any other. He calls us by our own names, but also in His.

We read in Mosiah 5:9: And it shall come to pass that whosoever doeth this shall be found at the right hand of God, for he shall know the name by which he is called; for he shall be called by the name of Christ.

Followers of Christ are honored to be called by His name. They don’t shy away from it or refuse to listen. They keep their ears attuned, waiting for His call, ready to spring into action when He asks.

I can’t express how grateful I am to know that, just like a shepherd, our Savior watches over me, concerned about my welfare, anxious that I don’t slip off the path or harm myself in any way. I’m grateful to know that He cares where I lay my head at night. And I pray that I may come to know Him as well as He knows me, so I will always recognize His voice when He calls me.

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