My son and I put up our Christmas tree yesterday. Yes, I know it is not even Thanksgiving yet, but I was in need of some Christmas spirit a little early this year. Logan didn’t seem to mind too much. As we were putting ornaments on the tree I happened upon an angel with a quote from Mother Teresa. It said, “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle, I just wish He didn’t trust me so much!” I seem to remember my mother giving this ornament to me the year after my divorce. There have been so many times when I have said these exact words to her and now they are hanging on my tree.
When we are going through trials it can be difficult to keep things in perspective. We feel so consumed by them that we just don’t know how we could possibly go on any longer. I vividly remember feeling that way that first month following the divorce. It took all I had to get up out of bed and breathe each day. I kept praying that things would get easier, that it would somehow all go away. It didn’t, and at first I was angry at God. Why would He let this happen to me and my son? How was this fair? After a few months of being angry I realized that He had given me this trial so that I could gain strength. I made it through, just as He knew I would, and it shaped me into the woman I am today.
When you start feeling as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders, remember that you will never be given more than you can handle, even though it feels that way sometimes. There is a greater purpose in your trials. Be thankful that He thinks you are strong enough to handle it, because deep down, you are.