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Health and Fitness Tips During the Holiday Season

With so much to do over the holiday season finding time for fitness is even more difficult than it usually is, but very necessary. With the extra chores that we must do during this time of the year there is increased calorie burning, but not enough to conquer all of the good food calories that we will most likely be indulging in.

As always and now more than ever use those sneaky ways to give your fitness a boost. Shopping is crazy hectic at this time of the year. Remember not to dive in to the closet parking spot to the store. This is a good time for a walk. No doubt you will have packages when you leave and probably lots of them. All the better for you because carrying those packages will force you to use more energy, which equals a higher level of fitness demand on your body.

Am I implying that shopping is a form of fitness? You betcha! If there is movement, there is stress and demand on the body. Although there are surely more strenuous forms of fitness, but if you are trying to burn those calories and increase muscle strength, these little tidbits of sneaking exercise into a busy day certainly will help.

One more thing………

When we are so busy during the holidays we sometimes do not take the time to stop and eat or worse we reach for something that comes out of a bag filled with grease. Save your money, save the calories and save your heart from this greasy meal. Cut up some raw vegetables and couple that with your favorite dip or even a little bit of peanut butter for a healthier snack that requires very little preparation and can be eaten on the run.

Choose your foods carefully this holiday season and remember not to be a slacker when it comes to fitness. This is a very vulnerable time of the year for those who are conscious about their health and fitness. Happy Holidays!

Angel Lynn writes in fitness, weight loss, single parenting, media and health.

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About Angel Lynn Diamond

I am a mom to my precious one and only, a nurse in a heartwarming adult living facility, and a freelance writer. I am "Angel" to the one who has helped me through life for the past 2-1/2 years and has made a joyful difference. I am a featured contributing writer for Rich Women Sisterhood, A Distinctive Style magazine and a writing and health advisor on Just Answer. As well, I write greeting cards, articles in health, relationships, diet, fitness, parenting, and travel. I reside in Upstate, NY and enjoy spending time with my loved ones, writing, the outdoors, and fitness. What I would like to say to others is.......Slow down and enjoy the moment, as you cannot get it back. Dream, believe, hope, but most of all have faith. Be careful with your words...they have the potential to hurt or bring forth joy. Remember, gentleness is a comfort to a wounded heart. Wishing you all many blessings. ~Angel Lynn~