When I was a baby I loved carrots. My mom would joke that she gave me carrots to keep my hair red. Apparently my love for carrots is not uncommon. After potatoes, carrots are the most popular type of vegetable. It is said that the average American eats over ten pounds of carrots a year. There are so many carrots to choose from with over 75 species and several colors like purple, white, yellow, red, and of course, orange. The best part is that carrots are so good for you.
Health Benefits of Carrots
Vision: We have all heard that carrots are good for vision. It is not an old wives’ tale it is the truth. The beta carotene in carrots gets converted into vitamin A which the retina uses to aid in night vision. Beta-carotene also protects against macular degeneration.
Slows the aging process: The beta carotene protects cells against damage and slows the aging process.
Cancer prevention: Carrots can reduce the risk of breast, lung, and colon cancer. Carrots produce Falcarinol which is a natural pesticide that protect the roots from fungus. Carrots are one of the only common sources of falcariol.
Healthy skin: I am sure you have seen the beauty products that boast carrots and beta carotene as an ingredient. The vitamin A and antioxidants protect the skin against sun damage. Vitamin A prevents premature wrinkling of the skin, acne, and uneven skin tone. Eat your way to beautiful skin.
Flush toxins from the body: Helps the liver cleanse the body of toxins. It also cleanses the colon and helps protect against colon cancer.
Prevent Heart Disease: Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha-carotene and lutein.
Healthy Teeth and Gums: Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste. Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of saliva, which being alkaline, balances out the acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.