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Healthy Hunger Fixes

Do you feel like your eating is out of control? Maybe you let yourself get so hungry that you choose out of desperation and convenience. You’re not alone. Here are some healthy fixes for bad hunger habits.

  • Skipping breakfast? Or worse — choosing unhealthy foods because they’re fast? You can grab a piece of fruit just as quickly and easily. Try defrosting a whole grain bagel while you get dressed and ready in the morning. Try sticking instant oatmeal into the microwave as soon as you wake up and eat it while you get going.
  • Picking unhealthy snacks to fight the afternoon energy slump? Avoid the nearest vending machine and the “energy” drinks. Pick up single-serving snacks like those 100 calorie packs or little packages of trail mix.
  • Using your lunch hour for running errands and thinking about the drive-through? Choose a salad and skip the dressing — or keep emergency snacks in the car. Protein bars and non-perishables don’t take much space in the glove compartment but will fill your belly.
  • Have late reservations for your dinner date but you’re hungry right after work? Stick to a small, healthy snack like veggie sticks, yogurt, or those 100 calorie packs. You can satisfy your stomach without filling up so much that you won’t enjoy your dinner.
  • Up past bedtime and craving a “fourthmeal”? A teaspoon of peanut butter is better than bingeing and going to bed overstuffed. The protein will help satisfy your stomach. Try a piece of fruit, too — fiber fills you up and is a much better choice than a trip to the late night drive through or a prowl through the snack cabinet.

Indulging your cravings isn’t necessarily unhealthy — overindulging is. Take a moment to think before you eat — and plan to eat before the hunger makes you desperate. You’ll find yourself more satisfied mentally and physically!