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Healthy Website: WebMD

Bookmark this website: WebMD. It is one of the first places I go if I have some mysterious new symptoms and I’m not sure what they mean. When I started having wrist pain, I went and looked at the symptoms for carpal tunnel syndrome.

My favorite part of the site is the Symptom Checker. You start by picking the part of your body that is causing problems. WebMD will then give you a list of possible issues. Once you pick the issue you think is what’s bothering you, you will be given a list of questions. Click yes on whatever questions apply to you, and the next page will tell you if you should call the doctor immediately, today, or in the next few days.

If you already know what your health problems are, you can use the Disease and Condition Health Centers that list many major medical issues alphabetically. Every issue has an informative overview, a description of causes and symptoms, a description of treatment, and even home treatments and places to get help.

You can also search WebMD’s alphabetical list of symptoms, tests, and drugs to learn more about the things you are doing and the medicines you are taking.

Interested in new advancements in medicine, all the hot treatment trends, and information about recalls? Check Today’s News at WebMD. Looking for a new doctor? Use the Physician Finder. And if you’d like to be involved in testing new medicines and treatments before they are available to the public, you can browse more than 42,000 clinical trials that are looking for participants.

WebMD also has message boards where you have a chance to ask an expert about your health issues and concerns.

WebMD is a great resource for health and medical information, whether you are trying to figure out just what is wrong or you want to find out more about a condition you or someone you love suffers from.