Homework help is online from a variety of sources. The New York City Public Libraries have an excellent resource at www.homeworkNYC.org. Students and parents can freely link to material that will answer many of their questions. Librarians are also available for online chat during the day and via telephone. They cannot solve a particular math problem or write an essay for you, but they will give you the resources and hints you need to do it yourself.
Other libraries and school systems are offering similar resources, via Smarthinking, a company which provides technology and training to institutions which want to offer academic support to students. Their clients include libraries, universities, and public high schools.
Tutor.com works with libraries and institutions to offer live help with a network of tutors. They also enable libraries to set up “ask a librarian” services according to staff availability.
If you are the parent of a student who is spending way too many hours on homework, if it is a nightly ordeal for you, if assisting with the subject matter is beyond what you can cope with, these resources are a great way for your student to find help from the right source, and not overly depend on you. If you are a home schooling parent, these are great complimentary resources for your curriculum, and wonderful resources for students to learn about doing thorough research.