After becoming completely frustrated by my attempts to find affordable health insurance, I have decided to get some help. Today, I called an insurance broker in the hopes that she could help me in my quest to get insured. We are still at the beginning of the process. Could this work?
Earlier today, I learned that the health insurance plan that I was recently approved for was way more expensive than I can afford. Needless to say, I was both disappointed and frustrated. If someone like me, who has a college degree, and who reads about insurance news every day, cannot find an affordable health plan, then what hope is there?
I knew I needed someone who was more educated about the game that insurance companies play than I am. Who could that be? The obvious answer was that I needed an insurance broker to help me. Fortunately, there was one in town that was ready and willing to help me out. All I had to do was give her a call.
I let the broker know that I was interested in finding an affordable health insurance policy, and that I wanted coverage for only me. (My husband has Medicare). She asked me a few of the questions that seem to be standard when a person is trying to find health insurance. What was my name, birthday, age, height, and weight?
The broker asked if I am on any medications, and I explained my allergies to her. Unlike the previous insurance company, the broker didn’t appear shocked to hear that I had allergies. Her comments gave me the impression that none of the information I gave her sounded like something that would prevent me from finding health insurance.
She asked if I wanted comprehensive insurance, or something else. I answered this way: “I don’t know what that means. I want health insurance that will cover me if I get hit by a bus, and end up in the hospital, and I also want it to cover when I need to go to see a doctor because I have a sinus infection.”
She wanted to know when was the last time I had health insurance. I caught her up from when I lost my job (and insurance) in 2009, through COBRA being too expensive, and with Anthem that charged too much, and approved my husband for a more expensive plan that we didn’t actually apply for.
I also told the broker about the health insurance that I just got approved for. said the premium would be around $200. The insurer wanted to charge me around $330 for monthly premiums. I have to cancel this one, too.
The broker said something very interesting to me. Imagine her words being said in a voice that your mom would use, to sympathize with you, when you are sick. She said. Oh, Jennifer, you need a broker to help you through this”.
Next, she provided that help. She gave me three quotes that sound affordable. All the plans cover birth control, and will cover maternity starting in July of 2012. I have been emailed more information about the plans. When I am ready, the next step is to make a face-to-face meeting with the insurance broker.
Image by marc falardeau on Flickr