Obviously, it is important to turn things off when you are not using them, but did you know that leaving small appliances and electronics plugged in all the time also costs you money? Sure, it’s handy to leave certain items plugged in so they are ready when you need them, but cell phone chargers, battery chargers, TVs, and radio or satellite receivers, as well as many other items, continue absorbing power even after you turn them off. Unplug the items mentioned as well as clocks, hairdryers, and video games when they are not in use.
It also makes sense to unplug each of these items if you go out of town. Even though it doesn’t cost a lot if you happen to forget and leave one item plugged in, it can add up over time, especially if you have many items drawing power.
It is still wise to turn off lights and other items when you don’t need them. If someone is coming home late, and you want to leave a light on, set a light timer and make sure your late arrival remembers to turn the light off after entering the house.
Nightlights are also helpful and they are not just for children’s rooms. They work well enough to help you make your way through the living room or down the hall late at night, and they use less energy than the average lamp or light fixture.
Another good way to save energy is to purchase “Energy Star” rated appliances and electronics. These have been evaluated by government agencies, including the Department of Energy, and it has been determined that they are more energy efficient that competing brands or models.
You have probably seen bright yellow tags on appliances like dishwashers, refrigerators, washers, water heaters, and more. These tags indicate approximately how much energy a piece of equipment uses so you can compare it with other items, and choose the most energy efficient one.