Often, I come across many useful and fun household tips that are too short to use in a dedicated blog posting. These may be things that help you save time, save money or make things nicer in your home. Because the tips are too good to let go to waste, I’ve assembled them here in one place, so I could share them with you. Please let me know which tips are your favorite ones, and please also add your own helpful household tips below by leaving a comment.
Many of the following tips were inspired by the print version of Good Housekeeping and other magazines, although I’ve adapted them somewhat and added a few tips of my own.
Special Breakfast
To make a special holiday breakfast, or really just to put a smile on your family’s face, make specially shaped eggs. You don’t need a special egg shaper. Just use any metal cookie cutter that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Place in down on a hot pan and crack an egg inside the cutter. When the egg sets, remove the cookie cutter with tongs and flip the egg over, if you like. Round cookie cutters make great eggs to go on english muffins.
Billing Issues
If you are having problems with a company, especially in billing issues, and customer service can’t resolve your problem, seek out the “Office of the President” or the “Executive Customer Service Team.” If you can’t find information for one of these teams, write a letter to the CEO of the company.
Birthday Party
If you are looking for a fun way to set the table for a festive birthday party, use candy in place of napkin rings. You can slip a candy bracelet over a rolled up napkin, or use licorice strings to tie the napkins together.
Storing Sheets
If you don’t have a linen closet, try storing your sheets under the bed. Boxes made for that purpose can be helpful, but here is a better idea. Why not take a piece of wood and add wheels and a handle to it. The sheets can stack on top, and the handle and wheels make it easy to retrieve the sheets from the vastness under the bed.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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