Many children do not have a great start in life. They are born into poverty, which often hinders them from obtaining the same opportunities as other children. Whether it’s because they cannot concentrate on lessons due to hunger, or because they are taunted by children more well off than they are, or because they don’t have the proper school supplies, these children are at a disadvantage.
This may seem like a column better suited to a charity forum, but it really is about education, and how we can help level the playing field for less fortunate children. While we certainly can’t solve all their problems, we can help them, at least a little.
Please consider participating in a school supply drive. Check with local retailers to see if any sponsor such programs. If not, consider starting one in your area. It can be as simple as setting up a large box with a sign at your church, favorite restaurant, or supermarket. This is a great time to get started, to give people plenty of opportunity to donate before the new school year begins.
Local newspapers and radio stations will likely give you free air time for a public service announcement so you can reach more people. Imagine the delight on a child’s face when he has his very own folder or backpack or she has her very own crayons, maybe for the first time.
If you are not for starting a full program or volunteering for an existing one, you might want to simply pick up extra supplies and donate them to your children’s school or any local school(s). The staff will appreciate your generosity, since they often pay for extra supplies from their own pockets. More importantly, you may be able to help a child get a better education.