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Helping Your Child Deal With Bullying

Kids can be just plain cruel these days and it is only getting worse. It seems they are finding the silliest things to tease each other about. Just this week my cousin was complaining that the kids were bullying her daughter for having red hair. Of all things to be teased about! This little girl is beautiful, but her self-esteem has been crushed by the mean things that the other kids are saying at school every day. How can we expect our children to go to school every day when they don’t feel safe there? The whole situation breaks my heart. As parents we can’t always be there to shield our children from the cruelty of the other kids at the school. Instead, we need to give our children the tools to deal with the bullying they will inevitably encounter as they are growing up and becoming their own person.

Teach your child, that although they may be tempted to fight back, retaliation isn’t the answer. Talk to your kids about some reasons that the bully may be acting that way. While there are many different reasons kids bully, most of the time they are dealing with their own insecurities. If they point to someone else it takes the heat off of them and makes them feel better about themselves. Many children have been treated that way at home. They lash out because that’s what they know.

If possible have your child use the buddy system when they are out on the playground. The bully is less likely to target someone who is in a group. Try to avoid the bully. If the bully approaches, have the courage to walk away. If you show the bully that you don’t care they will probably get bored and stop bothering you all together. If nothing works and the bully is persistent make sure your child knows it is safe to tell an adult. If it continues to be a problem don’t be afraid to contact your child’s teacher to let them know what is going on. They can be there to protect your child when you can’t be.

Don’t let a day go by that you don’t tell your child how wonderful they are. If they are getting bullied at school the least you can do is make sure that they are being nurtured and loved at home.

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About Sarah Williams

I am a single mother to a sweet little 4 year old boy named Logan. I am almost done with my degree in Elementary Education and have loved every second of it. I love writing for Families.com and hope to be able to help other single moms through the difficulties of raising a child on your own.