As if the process of waking up wasn’t difficult enough, now you really have some choices to make! Do you want the IPod™ or AM/ FM Radio with “programmable sleep” or would you prefer the buzzer to transform your reluctant journey from neverland to awakedom? Or you will you settle for old stand-bys like roosters and cats for your own personalized wake-up service?
The choice can only be yours. First of all, you must decide on the color. You can choose from black, white or silver for the alarm clock, and black or white for the clock radio to match your waking décor. (You could match your sleeping décor, but one can only wonder what that could be.)
Do you want to wake up gradually or suddenly is the next decision you must make and once again, either a blast of noise or whisper is and can only be your individual call. (At times like this, I opt for my cats, who at the very least, are quiet.) Other more subtle options include gradual wake and gradual sleep with increase or decreases in alarm/sleep volumes. You can also do this with the help of a multifunctional LCD display with adjustable backlighting, if you feel so inclined.
The only thing you don’t have a choice about when it comes to this amazing innovation is its price, which is $99.99. (For those of you out there who may think this is 100 dollars, look again.)
You will be happy with this item as long as you remember to order it only during your waking hours. To do so otherwise is and can only be sheer folly!
Do YOU own such a product? Do you want to?
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