My name is Beth and I am a practicing Psychologist with almost ten years experience in personal, group, adolescent, and community counseling. Before I became a Psychologist, I graduated and worked briefly as a Geologist, mainly in research. But, as fascinating as geology is, it’s been a much more rewarding experience to help people come to grips with their problems and work with them to find a solution. It’s always given me a great sense of achievement to begin a session with an extremely distraught person, and by the end of that session, to see a smile and a glimmer of hope in their eyes.
Even though we will be talking about some very serious, and sometimes painful and sad issues, I hope that overall, this site will prove to be a positive experience for you, and that you will come away from each visit better informed, and feeling like you have a direction to head in.
Over the coming months, we will be looking at many different aspects of mental health—from serious conditions to common everyday problems. There’ll be something on this site for everyone, since no-one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life, and we all need a helping hand sometimes. As part of our training, Psychologists must also undergo counseling and mentoring programs; we must look at and work through our own emotional issues, so that we can work from both sides of the fence, so to speak.
So, we’ll be looking at all sorts of topics, from anxiety to anorexia, from personality disorders to post-traumatic stress. We’ll be addressing coping skills to deal with the difficult situations that pepper all our lives, from difficult teenagers to overbearing in-laws. And everything in between.
But most importantly, we will be regularly focusing on maintaining good mental health. As we all know, prevention is better than cure, and this applies equally to emotional as well as physical health. And as laughter is the best medicine, I hope to be able to enlighten you—not just with information, but to brighten your day with a humorous take on the human condition. I hope that you will enjoy reading the articles and hopefully that you will contribute to the site as well. All comments are welcome!
Best wishes to you all