There are many things that can hinder your weight loss progress despite your best efforts. Some of these may be hidden hindrances, or things you would never think of as issues that keep you from losing weight.
Some of these may surprise you:
Making Too Many Drastic Life Changes at Once
While making changes is important for our health and personal growth, attempting to make too many drastic changes at one time can sabotage each of the changes you hope to make. It is obviously important to quit smoking, but it’s difficult to do while also trying to lose weight. Try to concentrate on one effort at a time.
As noted above, it’s difficult to make simultaneous changes. While you may not be able to quit while also losing weight, it is best to at least limit the number of cigarettes you smoke. It’s obviously better for your health, but did you know that doing so will also help you lose weight?
Many people claim that smoking helps them eat less. This may be true to some extent, but it prohibits weight loss by limiting oxygen to blood and cells. Which leads us to the next point…
Insufficient Oxygen Intake
Insufficient oxygen in the blood stream can also prohibit weight loss. Deep breathing exercises are helpful. Also, look into a program called Oxycise. The more oxygen your body has to utilize, the better it is at absorbing nutrients that promote weight loss, and the better it is at releasing hormones and toxic chemicals that prohibit loss.
Chemical Deficiency
You may be suffering from a lack of chromium if you feel tired, stressed, and hungry all the time, or you deal with a lot of cravings. Speak to your healthcare provider about a chromium supplement or a multi-vitamin that contains extra chromium. Also, ask about adding extra vitamin C to your diet to help better absorb chromium.
Stress and Related Hormones
You have probably seen commercials offering weight loss products to rid the body of unwanted cortisol, a hormone produced by stress that causes the body to store excess fat. Better oxygen intake will also help suppress stress hormones, as will finding natural ways to reduce stress.
When your body is dehydrated it reverts to the “fight or flight” response and stores food in order to retain more moisture. Drinking plenty of fresh water also has additional benefits, such as making you feel fuller, helping you absorb and process nutrients, and helping you release more waste and toxins.
*Always consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any weight loss regiment or taking weight loss products, including natural supplements.