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High Blood Pressure Fact and Fiction

There is a lot of misinformation out there about high blood pressure. Do you know the truth from the myth?

Fiction: Symptoms of high blood pressure include nervousness, sweating, and trouble sleeping. Fact: High blood pressure has NO outward symptoms. It’s called the “silent killer” for a reason. The only way to know if you have high blood pressure is to get your blood pressure checked. One in four adults in the United States has high blood pressure, and a third of them don’t even know it.

Fiction: High blood pressure readings at the doctor’s office just mean that you’re nervous. Fact: Some people do get higher blood pressure readings because they are nervous. Lots of things — like emotional state, stress level, and physical exertion — can change your blood pressure. If you think you’re only having bad readings at the office, try taking your blood pressure at home, then give your doctor a log of your blood pressure readings over a period of time.

Fiction: If you have high cholesterol, you also have high blood pressure. Fact: One doesn’t lead to the other every time, but they do have the some of the same risk factors. Treating one can help lower the other! There are medicines available that treat both if you do have both high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Fiction: Everyone has high blood pressure, we live in stressful times. Fact: Stress can add to your risk factors for high blood pressure, but there are a lot of other things to consider. And while a LOT of people do have high blood pressure, not everyone does. And not everyone HAS to have it — controlling your blood pressure can protect you against stroke, heart disease, heart attack, and other serious health issues.

Fiction: When I have a cold or the flu, I can take any over-the-counter medication. Fact: If you have high blood pressure, certain medicines can raise your blood pressure even more and/or interfere with your blood pressure medicine. Decongestants are especially dangerous if you have high blood pressure, so choose a medication for your cold or flu that doesn’t have a decongestant.

Fiction: Blood pressure isn’t a problem until middle age. Fact: Blood pressure can be a problem at any age. Start getting checked ASAP.