If you ask women about their husband’s decorating style, many will say, “He has no style.” Frequently, a man would be quite happy if the home looked like a hunting cabin, his bachelor pad, or a sports bar. You will also likely find at least a few pieces from one or more of the above settings stashed somewhere in the home. You can find a rustic accessory or something that came from the taxidermist, a beanbag chair or a lava lamp, and at least one beer sign in many homes. You will usually find these or other assorted man things, in the garage or the basement.
Most women do not share the same appreciation for such items, which is why these items are banished to the garage or basement. Men, however, could probably do without ruffles, lace, floral patterns, and furnishings that look pretty but that are not very comfortable.
The key is to create a balance. The home is an extension of every family member and every personality. While this is usually most true for women, especially those who stay at home or work at home, men also need to be able to express their personalities somewhere in their own house.
At least let the guy have one room or one area in which he can display things that are important to him such as trophies or memorabilia. My husband’s trophies are displayed on a shelf in the living room along with our children’s trophies. Since these were given living room status, he has quit asking to hang up his Led Zeppelin tapestry. See? It works.
On the other hand, in some homes the man is the decorator and the woman is just as happy to keep using the throw she’s had since college, even though it’s seen better days and complements none of the other decor elements.
You and your husband can find comprises that will make everyone happy. Add one masculine fabric to a space to offset feminine touches. Put up one small beer sign near the bar or near your wine glass collection. Keep your throw from college for sentimental reasons, but purchase a new more attractive one for the family room. Whatever the make up of your family, balance is the answer.