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His Own Plate

This week my wife and I bought a “high chair” for our son. Yes, maybe we should have gotten one sooner. No, we’re not bad parents. Actually, a lot of thinking went into the rationale for the purchase. One of the things we really didn’t want to do was separate him from us. Only recently has he received his own glass for water. Before he’d share with his Mom and Dad. Our son has been slowly learning that he has a certain amount of control over things. He can now readily grab small crackers between his fingers. Before this week our son would lovingly sit on his parents’ laps to largely be spoon fed whatever we were eating (or specially prepared organic blends made by Mom). Now, he’s got his own chair, table, plate, and his own food to go with it.

I’d be lying if I said that my son isn’t adorable. His first “meal” in his new chair was a wheat bread peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It was lovingly cut (by my wife) into small bite-sized pieces for easier consumption. My son consumed the small pieces happily. In truth, this was the first time he had his own place and his own space. He knew it and he celebrated. He smiled and he laughed and overall had a wonderful time. This was an important milestone.

As my wife and I sat near him watching him eat we realized how much he had grown. He was sitting up straight, picking up small objects with his little fingers, putting those objects in his mouth, and using all six of his teeth to chew whatever he put inside. This summer should be a really joyous occasion for our little man. He’ll soon turn one and visit his grandparents, uncles and aunts. Excitement is just around the corner (and so are more milestones).