Today is Rosh Hashanah. This means that the kids have the day off from school. And since we aren’t Jewish, we don’t have any traditions to honor the day. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have some plans for the time, though.
The kids have been working hard to get back into the school routine. But they could use a little extra responsibility back in their lives, after the carefree days of summer. And all of us could use a neater house. So, while I’ll let the kids play and blow off steam for most of the day, a few hours in the afternoon are all mine. We are going to do some de-cluttering.
My target is anything in the house that just doesn’t make sense anymore and won’t make any sense in the future. So while I’ll save some hand me down clothes for a younger child (sense in the future), I don’t need to save baby toys (no sense now or in the future).
I’ll concentrate on the basement and attic, and hopefully the kids will concentrate on the play room and their own bedrooms (with help–I know).
Yesterday, I did a little pre-declutter con mission to scout out specific areas to attack, so I do a little research as needed. For example, should we keep the stack photo printer paper, when it is probably cheaper to order the prints online? We obviously haven’t been using it anyway, but make a mental note to ask my husband what he thinks.
Another example, should some of the books my oldest child is done with be moved to the room of my middle child, and books from the middle child’s room to the youngest’ bookshelf? That could be an easy project for the kids to tackle if I do some pre sorting for or with them the night before.