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Holiday Gift Giving Safety

Did you ever stop to think that certain gifts we give to others could be dangerous? It seems that everywhere we turn these days, there are safety tips for everything. It might seem a little surprising when it comes to gift giving, but please read on.


Many people are allergic to different types of foods. A peanut allergy can be very dangerous, and peanuts or at least traces of peanut oils are found in many products you might not suspect. Be sure to check labels carefully before giving a food gift to anyone that suffers from allergies. Labels today are supposed to include facts about possible allergic reactions, even if the foods are simply processed in a plant that uses peanut products.

Kid’s Toys

You probably check the package for age limitations before giving a gift to your own children or other people’s children. Most games and toys offer guidelines. It is still very important to check these out and to take a close look at toys that do not give ages. Some toys are loose, sitting in bins, and they do not give this information. A small bouncy ball may not appear to be small enough to choke on, but may well be a choking hazard. Toys and games with small parts and pieces can also be problematic. A good test is to place your first finger and your thumb together to form a circle. If a toy or a part can easily slip through the circle it can possibly be a choking hazard. Also, beware of toys with sharp edges of pieces. It’s better to err on the side of caution.

holiday gifts gift giving holiday safetyAfter Opening Gifts

If small children are in attendance, clean up debris from gifts as soon as possible. Bubble wrap, plastic bags, and things of that nature can be dangerous as can lengths of ribbon or small decorative items that may be swallowed.