The holiday season is a busy time for everyone. Homeschooling during this time can be more complicated than during other times of the year. I hear many homeschooling moms who feel terrible about being lax in homeschooling duties during the holiday season. Many express feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated, and exhausted. These feelings stem from feeling like you are falling behind, failing at homeschooling, failing your kids, and not being able to keep up like all the other shiny happy homeschooling moms. Yes, the holiday season is crazy busy but without joy and a festive heart the season loses its meaning for everyone. Being crazy busy also does not need to overwhelm your heart. You are not falling behind. The only thing you are failing at is remembering to take time off or adjust your schedule during the holidays.
If you did not plan to take time off this December but you are finding yourself drowning in a sea of pencil dust and tinsel, then take a deep breath and reschedule your month. Yes, you can do that on go. Audibles are not only allowed but encouraged as remaining flexible prevents you from breaking. Shelve the books and instead of trying to find time for school and holiday festivities combine the two.
Combining the holidays and homeschooling will create great memories and traditions. Have the kids help create the Christmas menu and bake the cookies. Allow the children to wrap presents and shop for family and friends. Give your children a Christmas budget and let them pick out the gifts. As a family pick a family in need and have everyone pick out gifts for the family. Perhaps you can assign one child to create a project on Christmas around the world or study Christmas in a country of your heritage and present it to the family. Basically, take it easy and simply involve your children in the work and festivities. Assign tasks that relate to the season. Children learn every day. Imagine what they would learn from a stressed environment where they have to get math done on top of being rushed around throwing Christmas together. Homeschooling is educating the heart as much as the head.