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Holiday Planning Help–Introduction & Tips

I know. . .we haven’t even finished Halloween yet and I’m going to start talking about Thanksgiving. But there’s a method to my madness. I know many of us will entertain guests for Thanksgiving. I have decided that each week leading up to the holidays, I will feature one aspect of the holiday meal. As we are heading into Thanksgiving, you can pick and choose your recipes and about a week before Thanksgiving–pull it all together. This week I’ll feature appetizers for Thanksgiving dinner and so be looking out for things you might like. Here are a few more tips for a fantastically smooth Thanksgiving Dinner.

Plan Ahead & Stock Up

Ingredients start going on sale before Thanksgiving. So things like Pumpkin Pie Spice, which here, runs about $4 for a little jar, will go down to about $2 per little jar very soon. If you know you’re going to be making pumpkin pie, stock up when it’s on sale.

Make a Guest List

Most people just think, “I”ll have family over.” But write down specifically who you’ll have over and anything you know they like or dislike. To make a meal really fabulous, try to have something that each person especially likes at the party.

The Flow of the Meal

Our Thanksgiving Day is planned around going to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Is yours planned around a special event or perhaps even a few football games? It is helpful to think about what events are happening during the day and plan a flow chart for your meal accordingly. You don’t want to stuff your men full of turkey and then immediately send them out to play football. Consider starting some light appetizers as early as 10:30 am.

‘Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving

Get your kids in on the act. They enjoy having part in such a big meal. Watch their faces as you pass the stuffing and say, “Grandma, did you know that (child’s name) made the stuffing this year?”

Make sure to come back soon and look for great recipes to start off your big meal!