Let’s face it. Marriage means getting along with in-laws. Since this is just one article, we’ll only cover one aspect of getting along with in-laws in this installment. This one is about holidays. Your in-laws probably have certain traditions that they enjoy for specific holidays and events. Your own family probably does too, and you and your spouse are likely creating your own unique traditions for special occasions. Blending the three can sometimes be challenging.
To make things easier, start by learning all about your in-laws traditions and discussing the things your family likes to do. You and your husband or wife should be able to figure out a way to have your own personal celebrations without disappointing your folks or your in-laws. Next, you’ll need to decide when to spend the remaining time with whom.
If your family has a big barbeque every Fourth of July and eats at noon sharp, it’s going to be difficult to work things in if your mate’s family has plans at the same time. Try to approach whichever family is the most flexible so you can make arrangements. You will likely have to come up with some compromises in order to give both families equal time and keep from disappointing someone.
You might arrange it so that this year you eat with your in-laws and then go to your family’s gathering for dessert. Next, year do the opposite. Or, you might be able to talk them into changing the time that they eat, if they are generally accommodating. That way, you can eat lunch with one family and have dinner with the other.
Maybe you’ll just want to invite everyone to your home for a change of pace. Whatever you decide to do, it’s a good idea to start discussing plans in advance to give everyone time to adjust.