In part 1 I shared my struggle with drawing the line between holiness and legalism. I touched on the way we dress and music. Then in part 2, I talked a bit about churches which seem to miss the mark as well as celebration of holidays and who we choose to associate with.
I’ve by no means come to a final conclusion in my heart. I don’t know that I ever will because God is constantly growing me. Once I think I have something figured out, God unveils something else for me and I realize I am still just a child in my Christian walk.
What I have learned along the way is that God doesn’t expect me to have all the answers. He does want me to seek Him in faith. Honestly I think the difference between holiness and legalism is in our hearts. Our heart determines whether we’re doing what we do in faith to please God or to become self-righteous to bring glory to ourselves.
There are a few examples I have to share along these lines.
- One is from 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 where Paul talks about being all things to all men. In other words, for the sake of winning someone over to Christ, he would find ways to relate to them likely gaining respect. This doesn’t mean going against Christ by any means. This is where I find reasonable compromise with popular Christian music and modern apparel. I really believe it can make transition and growth in Christ better for some within reason.
- In 1 Corinthians chapter 10, Paul talks about our conscience. The example of eating meat offered to idols was given. It would not be right to go against our conscience to partake in something we believe is wrong nor would we want to cause someone else stumble by their conscience. Perhaps it is better to be innocent about certain sins for the sake of our conscience so we don’t compromise our values. I respect my brothers and sisters in Christ who have strong convictions to do some of the things they do—even if I might not feel they are necessary. Just as God has created each one of us uniquely, I have learned He also deals with each of us in unique ways. I believe we can live according to the Word of God and still vary some in style and personality.
- The last thing that comes to mind in the Bible in regard to holiness versus legalism is found in Mark 12:32 as a scribe talked to Jesus after hearing Him speak:
“So the scribe said to Him, ‘Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth, for there is one God, and there is no other but He. And to love Him with all the heart, with all the understanding, with all the soul, and with all the strength and to love one’s neighbor as oneself, is more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.’”
Jesus told this man that he wasn’t far from the kingdom of heaven. I believe this scribe grasped what striving toward holiness was to be about.
Scripture reference is quoted from the NKJV.