It’s been more than a year since Ryan Phillippe and his Oscar-winning actress wife Reese Witherspoon split, but only now is the actor speaking out about life post-divorce.
The 33-year-old father to the couple’s two children Ava, 8, and Deacon, 4 recently told USA Today that “it’s bizarre” to see photos of his ex-wife and her new boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal splashed on the pages of entertainment publications.
No word on how he feels seeing them together in person.
Phillippe told the newspaper that he goes out of his way to avoid looking at pictures of his ex and her new man and has been doing so since the pair began dating last March.
“There’s plenty of times when I say, ‘What a strange situation I’ve found myself in,’ ” Phillippe said. “But at a certain point you know it’s going to happen, so you are prepared.”
Who is Phillippe kidding?
Witherspoon made it no secret that the reason she dumped Phillippe’s sorry bu… I mean cut ties with her former husband… is that he cheated on her with actress Abbie Cornish during a movie shoot.
Interestingly, when the USA Today reporter asked Phillippe about his own love life and the role Cornish plays in his life now that his divorce has been finalized the actor responded:
“It’s just something I would really rather not address.”
By the way, Phillippe revealed that he isn’t ruling out a second marriage.
No word on whether he would also consider a second divorce.
And no blog about Hollywood dads would be complete without an update on the ultimate mack daddy—Kevin Federline.
Britney’s ex who was recently awarded sole custody of the couple’s two toddler sons claims he is now a full-time father.
“I spend most of the day chasing my kids around the house,” Federline told In Touch Weekly magazine for their upcoming issue. “Their needs define my schedule every day.”
Given the bizarre situation Federline found himself in after his ex-wife had a series of mental meltdowns one might sympathize with his situation.
The problem is K-Fed’s doting daddy disguise was all but blown out of the water a few days ago when he made a fool of himself at his recent birthday bash in Las Vegas. That’s when he stumbled to the mic in a drunken stupor and proclaimed that he was the king of the world.
Did I mention his two sons were home in L.A. with their nanny and bodyguard while daddy dearest continued hitting the clubs in Sin City well after his birthday passed?
Apparently the boys’ “needs” which “define” Fed-Ex’s “schedule” are well met by the hired help.