What do Halle Berry, Pierce Brosnan, Cindy Crawford and Daryl Hannah have in common (besides the fact that they are exceptionally good looking human beings who make a ton of money)? They were among the many stars that turned out to protest a planned natural gas facility in Malibu on Sunday.
“We have to use our voices and band together and stop this,” Berry said at the gathering, PEOPLE magazine reports.
Berry joined Brosnan and others, who live on the Malibu beach that developers are eyeing. Brosnan not only hosted the rally but also, spent about 20 minutes detailing why he opposes the facility, which is proposed for a site 14 miles off the Malibu coast. Brosnan also spent time speaking about the four other natural gas facilities planned for California.
According to the magazine, the energy company behind the proposal, Australian’s BHP Billiton says the facilities would “provide a reliable source of low-polluting energy.” But opponents, including members of Hollywood’s elite who own properties that they say would be affected by construction of the facilities say the terminals “would not meet clean air requirements and could serve as terrorist targets.”
Mark Massara, director of the Sierra Club’s California Coastal Program, told reporters at Sunday’s rally that the recent celebrity interest “is the greatest thing that has happened to our effort. We have struggled over the last three years.”
Massara was not only referring to Brosnan’s 20-minute plea and the subsequent protest on land by Berry and Crawford, but also to the protest in the water. According to PEOPLE, dozens of surfers, including Hannah on her pink board, paddled out to a sign with a message for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who can veto the proposal. The sign featured a picture of the proposed terminal with a red slash through it and the directive: “Terminate.” (Ironically, I think I remember seeing all of the aforementioned star protesters at the “Terminator” premiere…)