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Home and Family: Kids and Cooking

Getting your kids actively involved in meal planning and preparation processes is a great way to get them to eat better. When they have some say in the menu, they are less likely to be fussy eaters. You can compromise a little, for example, allowing your children to choose the main course or a side dish, if they eat their vegetables without fussing (or at least eat some of their veggies).

This is also a good way to encourage kids to try new foods. If you take them grocery shopping with you, point out interesting items and ask them if they would like to try some. You probably won’t have to wait long, because they will find items that interest them and will be asking you if they can get something.

Begin teaching children how to clean, store, and prepare food as well. Even small children can wash fruits and veggies. Setting the table can also be included in meal preparation to get little ones involved.

Fresh VegetablesTeach older children simple cooking methods and simple recipes. When they do the cooking, or at least some of the cooking, they have made an investment in the meal. They will generally eat better because of that fact.

Teach children to make a list and shop for complete meals instead of strolling up and down the aisles picking up things that look good or sound good at the time. Instruct them on how things should be stored once home. As you prepare meals, explain the process or let them help.

It’s good to teach children these things because these are important life skills. The sooner they begin learning to shop and cook, the more adept they will be at these things, and they will thank you for these lessons someday.

Do your kids help with cooking or show an interest in it?

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